среда, 4 июня 2014 г.

Lady Gaga in a new way: instead of a Christmas tree now dreadlocks

Lady Gaga |
East NewsПосле scandalous hairstyles mouse ears on his head and a Christmas tree, decorated with toys, singer Lady Gaga braided on your head dreadlocks. Not by itself, of course, helped her in this stylists.

At a Christmas party Jingle Bell Ball in London shocking diva appeared with long dreadlocks on the head. It is noteworthy that many fans of the artist called this her hair one of the best for a long time.

Pleased Gaga outfit, or rather, by his presence. Of course, we are accustomed to see her naked, but, you see, dressed Gaga looks much sexier undressed.

Lady Gaga |
East News

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