Participants from Moscow, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan should share in threes, choose a song, to prepare the room and speak to Konstantin Meladze and his assistants: Igor Vernik and Anna the just thought the songs fit. The girls are hard choreography. Will they be able to withstand this challenge and who of the leaders of the first stage of the casting will go the distance, "broken" it is in the dances? The results of choreography unpleasant surprise not only spectators but also by Konstantin Meladze...
Show "Want in via GRU"
Also participants will have to overcome their differences and find common language with new colleagues within their threes and to be defined with a song that would suit all! The audience will learn how the "Troika" will solve the conflicts between themselves - after all, some of them will choose the same songs. Will the girls give each other or will solve their disputes harsher methods?
In such situations, each of the participants appear before the audience in its present form, and not always it will be worthy. So, just from the other side will open the favorite of the jury and Meladze - star Hungarian Playboy Eric Herceg, which was not so sweet and kind girl, as everyone in the beginning it seemed. But this farce, as backstage and on stage satisfied with the ex-soloist of group "Brilliant" Julianna Lukashina, which was sure that just made for the group " VIA Gra"! What will delight and disappoint girls Konstantin Meladze and who will lead in shock Anna Sedokova? Who will be in hospital because of the performance? Who happens nervous breakdown onstage?
Show "Want in via GRU"
Watch today at 21:00 on channel "1 1" in the show "I Want in via GRU"!
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