вторник, 3 июня 2014 г.

Lady GaGa changed job for one day

Lady GagaАкция was held in the framework of the promotion of the new album of the singer "Born This Way". Although in the post of the chief editor Gaga sat for the first time, she did a fantastic job. Her personal assistant was the Dutchman dzheroen Engelen, which won the contest "Become a personal assistant Lady GaGa”, organized by the newspaper "Metro" around the world.

"I apologize if my business attire looks a bit different, " said the singer. "My mother always told me that if you work in the office, you should wear what you want. She worked in the office, and she had only two suits". The singer, however, came to the office in a few Frank dress and probably confused the male half of the editorial Board.

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