пятница, 25 апреля 2014 г.

5 myths about liposuction

Myth 1

Liposuction to lose weight will fail. Using this procedure, you can get rid of fatty deposits on hips, waist, arms, but to reduce the weight you are unlikely to succeed.

Myth 2

Liposuction does not eliminate cellulite. The cause of cellulite is uneven accumulation of chemical compounds in the cells of adipose tissue. Sometimes the procedure is liposuction can make the appearance of cellulite even more repulsive. So if you decide to go through liposuction with the purpose of getting rid of cellulite, give up the procedure and do not throw your money away.

Myth 3

The statement that liposuction helps to struggle with low skin tone, too, is not correct. During the procedure, only removes fat, and not the skin. Only plastic surgery can make your skin less flabby.

Myth 4

If you do liposuction, the fat will not appear. This is another misconception. Want to have slender legs and tight buttocks, do not expect that liposuction procedure will eliminate the need for physical activity and a balanced diet that fat will leave the problem areas and over again they will not appear.

Myth 5

Not true that the results after the procedure will appear immediately. Actually noticeable changes in your body shape will appear only after 2-3 weeks after liposuction. And after the procedure in the places to which she worked, edema.

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