Author: Anna Kielivery Ukrainian modern sculptures and installations KIEV FASHION PARK invites sculptors, artists, architects, designers and students of specialized educational institutions to cooperate in implementation of creative ideas within the city limits of Kiev and other cities of Ukraine.
KIEV FASHION PARK continues to work with the authors for improvement and decoration of urban space. Cities of Ukraine it is possible to make an interesting, beautiful and attractive for residents and tourists!
Some designers have already participated in the project: Liliya Lytkovska, Anna Kiseleva, Zhanna Kadyrova.
Shop Lilies Of Ledovskoy
For participation in the project must go through several stages. A sketch or layout of the art object in the space of the city must be sent to the organizer, after which it will appear on the site in the section "Bank of ideas" for public review all patrons of art and sponsors. Also with the ideas of employees KIEV FASHION PARK, offering them and the authorities of the city, and sponsors.
Author: Zhanna Kadyrova
At the second stage art objects selected for financing, shall be agreed with the Expert Council and city authorities. On the third step is installing the approved and financed by the art facilities.
According to this procedure, in the summer of 2011 in Kyiv was established 17 unique art objects on Peizazhna alley and one sculpture in the Park to them. T.G. Shevchenko.